Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tips 1.0

  • “Just one more thing to do before I eat” habit
  • Do 30 reverse sit-ups & kneeling leg lifts before you eat
  • Focus on getting enough nutrition, including whole grains, e.g., make sure you have something whole everyday like whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.
  • Have something you have to get done, someplace you have to go, something you have to go pick up, to get yourself out walking; or go do a cardiovascular using activity
  • If you don’t have one of those things to do each day, make sure you take a walk anyway: take your phone and make a phone call/s or take earphones and listen to a talk, to a book being read, or some good music.
  • Give yourself enough time between meals so that whatever you eat tastes better
  • Go through the time and expense to get quality food & learn about quality food (Costco & Trader Joe’s are great shopping options)
  • Stay away from the microwave & fast food
  • Do at least 10 min of difficult physical work before each meal (cardio or calis), or as much as you can fit in. It’s good if you can sit down to eat out of breath, as long as you give yourself a little time before actually eating
  • Eat “pure” foods, not processed foods or anything “fake”
  • Focus your “restraint energy” i.e., discipline, on getting over unhealthy habits, not on keeping yourself from eating
  • Make sleep the highest physical priority you have. If you can’t get what you need, continue thinking of ideas to get it and then continue trying them. Then try doing the best you can with the attitude that you’ll try living as if had gotten enough sleep--and with lower expectations of what you can accomplish but high expectations in what God will make happen for you.
  • If you’re tired or otherwise have low resistance to unhealthy things, go ahead, but resolve to do whatever is necessary to avoid feeling this way again tomorrow, e.g., put aside whatever you can to get some sleep
  • Stay busy; if you don’t have something to do, make a plan of what you would like or need to do, make specifics, i.e., break it down into small bits & have something you can do right now to start the process
  • Some different seasonings to try: olive oil with garlic, onions, lime juice for sweet or savory, e.g., on cooked spinach, chopped nuts (nuts on anything actually), flax seeds, sesame seeds, bacon bits, poppy seeds
  • When you can’t stop eating something, change what you’re eating to eat something different--and make sure it’s something nourishing whatever it is
  • Ask people from other countries how they season the food they make at home, e.g., what they put in a salad, how they cook meat (which meat).
  • Pray: be specific in what you ask for and in what you thank Him for. It’s not that He needs help in knowing specifically what you need; rather it helps you focus on what you need help with and what you appreciate so much, helps you know how to throw your burdens on the Lord and helps you effectively direct/bridle your passions into good directions; being specifically grateful helps you revel in and enjoy your successes, humbly recognizing the source of your ability and more.
  • As soon as you reasonably can after you get up in the morning, get some cardio exercise, whatever it is, whether it’s for 10 min or an hour, before you eat breakfast. I like taking a quick walk. Should be good for sleep too & establishing a good sleeping routine. It’s good to eat something, even if it’s just a piece of toast & drink of juice, right after you’ve exercised.
  • Unless you’ve specifically started a fast, eat when you feel genuine hunger--don’t wait too long or your body will go into starvation mode and binge when you have a chance to eat. Prioritize getting nutrition.
  • Avoid thinking that just because I haven't eaten in a while I can eat a lot now
  • Use the small bowl